The purpose of this post is to let you guys know that our bond isnt gonna last forever. That we'll soon leave each other. But its us that carries the passion,the dedication to move on & pass what we know to our juniors. Cause they will be the one carrying our names in the future. Whatever we do now will affect them in the future. They will learn from us,things good & bad. But now its up to us to prove to others,to showcase what we have. We will not give up no matter what people say. No matter how hard we work & struggle,it'll soon pay off,i promise.
And lets work hard together for this upcoming syf event. I know its hard dealing with school work & other personal issues. But you & me are living the same route. I just figured out how hard it is to juggle everything now. If theres anything you need help in or if you just need someone to talk to,i'll be here no matter what I have to sacrifice.