
"Once a trumpeter, always a trumpeter."


We're the trumpeters of Regent Wind Symphony!
Bunch of friendly people with the craziest things up their sleeves.

And yes, we are random. HAHA!

Saturday, 21 November 2009

Here are the cut parts for different pieces.

Bar 3-4: One player/part. N,D,A play. (Bcos horns need to be heard.)
Bar 61-68: Sec1s and 2s don't play.

Take note:
"Fantasmic!" please be confident of your rhythm.
Semiquaver and Quaver pickup is different.
Articulations for every note must be accurate and clear!
Seperate your notes, as in your notes cannot be too squarish. Have a tail behind.

"Mickey Mouse March" be together, staccatos and tenutos do properly and clearly.
Arpeggios please be accurate, don't anyhow pitch!
Slurrings doesn't mean go weaker, air still flows.
Do decresendos properly, and together. Last note of bard 49-51, short.

"Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah" is in TWOS, not FOURS.
Please make sure your staccatos and accents do correctly. Dotted minum is syncopated.
Slur properly, and pitch properly.
Ornaments such as acciacatura(small notes) be more obvious.

"Part Of Your World" triplets please be very together.
Slow part doesn't mean no tempo.
Be damn in tune.

"Be Our Guest"
Sing, if you feel like. And sing correct pitch and lyrics -.-

Last note please be in tune. It's Bb major chord.

Bar 3,15,25,57,58,131,132,190,219,220: Only N,D,LT,A play.
Bar 39-42: Only LT,HH,N,D play. Then after that others join in at 47.
Bar 59-66: Only LT,HH,N,D play. Others join in at 67-74.
Bar 75: Only SJ and LT play.
Bar 165: N,D,HH,LT play.
Bar 177: N play 1st bar, then S join in at 2nd bar, D join in at 3rd bar. For 2nd tpt, LT, HH then LM.
Bar 180: Only SJ,N,A,HH play.
3rd page of piece is same as the front. Same people play same part.
Bar 245: Everybody, loud and strong.

Take note:
Come in with strong accents, in face, whole piece is filled with accents.
I say again, Semiquaver pickup and Quaver pickup is DIFFERENT.
Not melody, don't need to play so loud. Waste energy.
Slow part take note of your sharps, the key is in concert B major.

Chorale and Shaker Dance.
8 Bars before F: Sec3s and above play only.
Bar F: 1st bar all play, then 2nd bar one/part.
Bar K: For 1st tpt part, SJ play only.
11 Bars before L: one/part. LT and N.
4 Bars before L: SJ, N.
8 Bars after L: one/part. SJ, N, A.
7 Bars before O: SJ, N, A.
1 Bar before O: HH only.
Bar P: SJ, N. Others join in at 4 bars after.
Bar Q-T: one/part. Take turns. Stagger breathe.
Bar T: Stand one bar before T, play with confidence.
Allegro-W: Take turns.

Take note:
Most importantly, DO NOT RUSH.
Especially quaver/short notes(eg, 7 after E) count inside your head. Don't anyhow play.
Be together at every moment. Esp F. Just be neat, don't need be so loud.
3 Bars before H, pitch properly and don't rush.
Take care of your sharps and whatever key signatures.
From Bar Q onwards, do not need to be too loud. We're the background. And please play with percussion.
Bar T, stagger breathing and every note FULL VALUE.
Allegro part, brasses vs ww. Just be neat.
W, take care of your chords, don't anyhow blast!!

Bar H, one/part. SJ, S, A only. Follow percussion.
Those know how to flutter tongue come in @ 5 Bars after letter D, letter K, 5bars after letter K.
Triplets be together with band.

Fantasy on "Madama Butterfly"
Those playing melody, please sing your melody everyday in your mind.
Sad melodies, can delay the tempo abit.
Short staccatos please be accurate, and neat with others.

I do not wish to see anyone of you sticking your eyeballs to your scores. By now you all should've already memorise part of them, or all. Don't tell me your memory is that weak that you can't even memorise after staring it for like don't know how long. And you should've already memorise cause you've been playing them for like how long already. How are you all going to know if the conductor is slowing down or going faster? Please stop staring at the scores like as if they would conduct you. Look at the conductor every moment. I don't mind if you all scan thru the score abit while playing, but please do not keep staring at your scores.

-You won't know if you are at the right beat of the conductor's baton.
-You won't be able to know if the conductor wants you to play out more or less.
-You won't know what the conductor is trying to tell you.

So stop sticking your eyeballs on yor scores.

Secondly, I don't want to hear anymore wrong notes. At this point of time, are you telling me that you're still not sure about your notes? Total crap, by now you all should've known all your notes and stuffs. And remember your repeated sharps and flats. Esp when you all are playing melody, it's so obvious that you are playing the wrong note. Stop playing wrong notes.

Who actually made the effort to ask for recordings of your pieces? Only one or two. Why didn't you all make the effort to go and listen to the recordings and I actually had to prompt you all to do so? If you don't know how the piece sound like, how are you going to know the style of the piece?

Most importantly, don't make me repeat what I've taught you all during sectionals. Rhythms, notes whatever. Whatever I've taught you all, don't tell me you've forgotten. There's some reason why you forgotten all about what I've taught you:
1. Didn't write down on your scores.
2. Not listening during sectionals.
3. Don't give a damn at all.
When me or the conductors say something, quickly jot that down on your scores. I see alot of clean scores today. I don't want your scores to be clean. I want it to be dirty, as dirty as possible. Highlight all the articulation marks, the key signatures. Have a pencil with you every practise/sectionals so that you can jot it down.

Don't make me prompt you to bring home your instruments and scores.
If you don't bring home, you're telling me that you know all your stuffs. And I expect better playing the next practise. When you bring home scores, I take it that you all will read your scores and refresh your memories. Like what Mr Lim had said, what he say in combine, you all absorb 50% is good enough. But let me tell you all, 50% is not less. Is alot of things.

I do not wish to meet you all after practises to scold you all again.
You're tired of getting scolded, I am tired of scolding you all, too.

Can you all just wakeup your ideas?
We're only left with 8 more days to OPUS IV.

Work harder, it's not hard enough.


Friday, 20 November 2009

Blogskin got problem, so I changed it.
Not very nice layout but I'll try to change it when I have the time to.

Trumpeters, we don't have much time left.
OPUS is just like a week away and we're still having problems like:
-Not counting the rest bars correctly,
-Not playing the articulations correctly,
-Not getting our sound in tune,
-Not enough air support for some of you,
-Not alert enough,
-Not enough anticipation,
-Not enough practise.

Look, trumpeters.
I don't want to stress you all up but I get really piss off when some of you don't apply what I have taught you all in sectionals. And I would like to make this very clear.

Please don't make me repeat what I've taught you all.
Bcos it's a waste of time, and we're running out of time.

It's very difficult to prepare our concert in such a short time and we have so much pieces to play. I know it is hard, I find it hard to. But, we have no choice, right?

For juniors, I know this is your first big event of yr life - OPUS. I'm not sure how much you see that OPUS is important. You see, we seniors have been asking for OPUS over and over again. And it has been a very long time since we had OPUS III. I know it is difficult. But I believe you all can do it.

For all of you all,
I know the preparation is very tough and hard for you all. Sometimes me, and noel may be shouting and screaming at little mistakes you all had made. But, you all should know why are we so tensed up you see. I'm sure you all want to make this OPUS IV a good one. I'm sure you all want to enjoy this OPUS. But we have to put in much more effort. It is not enough. I have faith in you all. I can see the potential in you all.

It's not whether you can or not, it's whether you want it or not.

Remember, effort is always not enough if one person/some people don't put in the effort. If everybody put in small effort, it will become big effort.

We can, trumpeters, we can do it.
Let's work hard together and shine as a whole.

Rest well, :)
10 more days to OPUS IV.
